Wild You Handmade Blog — Kamentsä RSS

Five Unforgettable Experiences of the Carnaval del Perdón in Sibundoy Valley

The Carnival of Forgiveness (English), El Carnaval del Perdón (Spanish),  Bëtscnate (Kamentsä), and Atun Puncha (Inga):  all of these names are used to represent what Kamentsä and Inga peoples say in their own languages is “The Big Day”.  Both the Kamentsä and Inga  indigenous communities call Sibundoy Valley home. Although they have distinct origins, they both celebrate this day. The Kamentsä have their big day in the town of Sibundoy, and the Inga have theirs in the smaller town of Santiago, both ocurring on the days before Ash Wednesday.  When my husband and I were planning a trip to visit our artisan partners in Putumayo, they welcomed us to come during this grand celebration where they forgive one another for all...

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